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Walking By Faith
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Am I a Faithful Disciple?
What does it really mean to be a disciple and how do I know if I am one? A faithful disciple isn’t about perfection or trying to gauge who is the most spiritual. We all enter this place of faith only through the grace of God. Discipleship is about followership that finds their purpose in…
Latest Articles
What it means to follow Jesus
In today’s world, the words “follow” or “follower” certainly mean something different than they would have meant back in Jesus’ day. Today, to be a follower of someone or something likely means you pressed the “FOLLOW” button on their Instagram page. Yet, this obviously couldn’t have been what Jesus meant when He said to follow…
What it means to walk by faith
“For we walk by faith, not by sight.” – The Apostle Paul, 2 Cor. 5.7 Many Christians are familiar with the term, “walking by faith.” But, do we really understand what that means? Let’s first lay a foundation: God is at Work It’s one thing to believe in God. It’s quite something else to trust…
Creative Leadership in a Postmodern World
I believe we live in one of the most exciting ages of the church. A time where we are forced to connect to the culture we live in and come out from the walls of the church. Or at least make what’s inside the walls relevant to those living outside. So, how do we design…
Are you Ready? How Christians Respond in Times of Crisis
“Ready or not, here I come”. Was the announcement of my favorite hide and seek game growing up. It’s also the anthem of any particular crisis in which we find ourselves. The truth is simple: whether you are ready or not, crisis will find you. The real question is are we ready for it? If…
Am I a faithful Disciple?
For Christians, the word disciple perhaps evokes an image of 12 average Jewish men who left their homes and occupations to follow a man named Jesus through the dusty countryside of Israel. When invited with the words, “Come, follow me,” these followers literally dropped whatever they were doing and followed Him for three years.
Reccomended Resources
What it means to follow Jesus
In today’s world, the words “follow” or “follower” certainly mean something different than they would have meant back in Jesus’ day. Today, to be a follower of someone or something likely means you pressed the “FOLLOW” button on their Instagram page. Yet, this obviously couldn’t have been what Jesus meant when He said to follow…
What it means to walk by faith
“For we walk by faith, not by sight.” – The Apostle Paul, 2 Cor. 5.7 Many Christians are familiar with the term, “walking by faith.” But, do we really understand what that means? Let’s first lay a foundation: God is at Work It’s one thing to believe in God. It’s quite something else to trust…
Creative Leadership in a Postmodern World
I believe we live in one of the most exciting ages of the church. A time where we are forced to connect to the culture we live in and come out from the walls of the church. Or at least make what’s inside the walls relevant to those living outside. So, how do we design…